For people who love language, or would but were discouraged.

  • Believe in yourself and have the right attitude
  • Put in an hour a day
  • Use a system that works... like LingQ
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Want to Learn English? Stay Positive like Gabby of Go Natural English

Want to Learn English? Stay Positive like Gabby of Go Natural English

So, I’m very happy to have with me today Gabby of Go Natural English because very often we talk about learning languages other than English, although English, of course, is the language that is the most widely studied in the world. In fact, many of my viewers, I know many of you out there, like to listen to me speak English. You can even import from YouTube. Study it from LingQ if you want. It’s just content for learning English. In fact, first, I’ll let Gabby introduce herself and then I have some questions.

Passive Vocabulary: Why it Matters in Language Learning

Passive Vocabulary: Why it Matters in Language Learning

Today, I want to talk about passive vocabulary. At LingQ, for example, we say a word is known if you can recognize that word in a context. So if I’m working on LingQ, I see a word. I know what it means in the context. I can say I know that word. I can also say I don’t know that word. In other words, I decide if I know that word. But if I understand the word in that context, typically, I will say I know it. It may be that in a subsequent context I don’t know what it means. I may look it up again. I may move it back to Status 3, a word that I’m learning rather than known, but I control that. 

Should You Try Learning Two Languages At Once?

Should You Try Learning Two Languages At Once?

I am asked this question regularly from my YouTube and blog viewers. if I would recommend learning two languages at the same time or not. Well, first of all, a person who is learning one language and wants to learn another language or even a third language is something that I fully understand and fully endorse.

5 Reasons to Learn Greek

5 Reasons to Learn Greek

There are many reasons to learn a language. Some people learn a language for professional reasons, because they need the language for their job. Some people learn a language because they have…

Кто такой полиглот

Кто такой полиглот

Будучи полиглотом, т.е. человеком, который говорит на многих языках, мне нравится пользоваться этими языками: мне нравится сам процесс. Но тут присутствует элемент шоу. А ты лучше меня? Или я лучше тебя? Некоторым…

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I have never learned as quickly or as enjoyably as I do now on LingQ.

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