How Should Languages Be Taught in School?

How Should Languages Be Taught in School?

It’s not a good idea, in my opinion, to demand grammatical accuracy from language learners in school, because so few of them end up speaking the language. What does it matter whether they are able to nail niceties of grammar at the age of 12? To me, it doesn’t matter. If there’s some way of making them enjoy the process of language learning so that they expose themselves to the language, they develop some degree of comprehension, they develop a certain level of vocabulary, that’s good enough.

Why Many People Fail at Language Learning

Why Many People Fail at Language Learning

Right now I’ve been at my Arabic for three years and my Persian for two, I can’t say that I speak either language particularly well. I really struggle. My Farsi is now better. I’ve had the opportunity to use it a bit here and there around Vancouver, North Vancouver, especially West Vancouver. I’m now exploring Egypt in Arabic with Mohammed, my tutor, and I do struggle in our conversations, there is no question. But am I failing in the language?

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