For people who love language, or would but were discouraged.

  • Believe in yourself and have the right attitude
  • Put in an hour a day
  • Use a system that works... like LingQ
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Should You Try Learning Two Languages At Once?

Should You Try Learning Two Languages At Once?

I am asked this question regularly from my YouTube and blog viewers. if I would recommend learning two languages at the same time or not. Well, first of all, a person who is learning one language and wants to learn another language or even a third language is something that I fully understand and fully endorse.

5 Reasons to Learn Greek

5 Reasons to Learn Greek

There are many reasons to learn a language. Some people learn a language for professional reasons, because they need the language for their job. Some people learn a language because they have…

Кто такой полиглот

Кто такой полиглот

Будучи полиглотом, т.е. человеком, который говорит на многих языках, мне нравится пользоваться этими языками: мне нравится сам процесс. Но тут присутствует элемент шоу. А ты лучше меня? Или я лучше тебя? Некоторым…

I speak 20 languages

I've been learning languages for over 50 years and I've tried all kinds of approaches.

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Steve Kaufmann about LingQ

I have never learned as quickly or as enjoyably as I do now on LingQ.

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