Korean difficulties

Max points out that Korean has a complicated grammar unlike Chinese or Japanese. Having spent a few months learning Korean I can agree. However, I did not read the pages and pages of grammatical explanations in the books I used, with fancy terms l…

Grammar again

We have a comment from Chris advocating a strong commitment to grammar study as the basic framework for language learning. I disagree. My view is that we first need to get used to the language through intense and continuous exposure. Any effort to…

Language learning and golf

There is a well known book on golf called “Golf is not a Game of Perfect” by Bob Rotella (available from Amazon) which points out that striving for perfection in golf will simply make players too nervous and uptight to really improve. If players e…

Why Russian?

Nangpan asks me why I have started learning Russian. First of all I have always wanted to learn it, just as I want to learn Arabic and Hindi one day, and maybe eventually Turkish and Swahili. But why now? We are redoing The Linguist system and I w…

Suggestopedic learning

One of our learners mentioned the “suggestopedic” learning method developed by Georgi Lozanov. As I understand it, this method stresses the need for the learner to relax, and to forget many of the constraints that society and culture have placed o…


To learn a language you have to learn the words used in that language. You have to learn many words, how they are used, when they are used and which words are used together. That is all you need to learn. If you learn many words and how they are u…

I Promessi Sposi

I have been away for a few weeks. After my business trip to Europe, I was able to spend two weeks in Arizona, mostly in Phoenix. When the weather in Vancouver gets wet and cool, it is nice to go where the sun shines every day. Arizona is such a pl…

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