For people who love language, or would but were discouraged.

  • Believe in yourself and have the right attitude
  • Put in an hour a day
  • Use a system that works... like LingQ
Try LingQ Free - Steve Kaufmann
The Definition of a Polyglot

The Definition of a Polyglot

As people who speak multiple languages, polyglots like to use those languages; we like to see how we do. But there is an element of performance. Are you better than me? Am I better than you? For some people that’s fine. I think a lot of us are very happy, in fact, when we hear somebody speak better than we do.

How To Learn Portuguese

How To Learn Portuguese

Many of us are watching the Olympics in Brazil. Despite all of the bad reports that we always get in the lead up to any Olympic Games – some British newspaper called the 2010 Vancouver Winter games the worst Olympics in the world ever, then there were all the problems with toilets in Sochi and now pollution in Rio – it looks like actually things are proceeding swimmingly, so to speak.

People ask, if I go to Brazil, can I communicate? What language do they speak? First of all, some may not know that Brazilians speak Portuguese. There’s no Brazilian language, there is Portuguese.

How To Improve Your Speaking Skills

How To Improve Your Speaking Skills

You are unlikely to learn to speak a new language perfectly, but perfection should not be your goal. Your main goal should be effective communication. I am not perfect in any of the languages that I speak, but I can communicate. And whenever I communicate in another language I’m satisfied. I also know from experience that my ability to speak and to pronounce well will only improve with time, as long as I remain alert to what I hear and read, and how I use the language.

French for Beginners: What You Need to Know

French for Beginners: What You Need to Know

French was my first love when it comes to languages. In fact, there’s an expression in French: “On revient toujours a son premier amour.” It means you always go back to your first love. I love French; I love all the languages that I learn, but I have a special affection for French.
I highly recommend learning French for beginners. There’s a whole world that you can access so much better if you speak French. The language is spoken in other countries like Canada.

I speak 20 languages

I've been learning languages for over 50 years and I've tried all kinds of approaches.

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Steve Kaufmann about LingQ

I have never learned as quickly or as enjoyably as I do now on LingQ.

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