For people who love language, or would but were discouraged.

  • Believe in yourself and have the right attitude
  • Put in an hour a day
  • Use a system that works... like LingQ
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Can Older Adult Learners Acquire New Languages?

Can Older Adult Learners Acquire New Languages?

I often hear this question from adult learners. Sometimes my followers on Youtube, Facebook, or Twitter bring this up. In fact, not so long ago I had the following request from one of my followers.

“I want to do some research on the problems of older language learners and see what I can do to help them.”

I replied by asking. “What do you consider to be an older language learner?” His answer “over 40”.


Can You Sound like a Native Speaker?

Check out this video of an American speaking excellent Spanish, and I mean excellent. His name is Richard Vaughan, of the Vaughan language schools in Spain. (He should plug LingQ for me since I am plugging Vaughan, but then I was just so impressed…


My Language Learning “Credo”

Language learning is a personal activity. I do it for myself. I learn the language for my own reasons and in my own ways. I focus my efforts on those aspects of the language that interest me the most. Confidence, strong motivation and a positive a…

I speak 20 languages

I've been learning languages for over 50 years and I've tried all kinds of approaches.

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Steve Kaufmann about LingQ

I have never learned as quickly or as enjoyably as I do now on LingQ.

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