You DO NOT Need to Be Perfect

You DO NOT Need to Be Perfect

Why do I want to talk about perfection? First of all, I am a dilettante learner. I also recognize that there are people who need the language for professional reasons because they want to get into a school so that they’re not just dabbling in the language, exploring, having fun like I like to do, they actually need it. So how good do they need to be in the language?

How to Learn Vocabulary

How to Learn Vocabulary

*** This post is a transcript of a video on my YouTube channel. Studying English? Here’s the transcript as a lesson to study on LingQ.   I have said in the past that the…

How to Become a Polyglot

How to Become a Polyglot

Part of becoming a polyglot is accepting that you’re going to be less than perfect. That means you’re going to speak with mistakes. Your pronunciation may not be perfect, but you have this sense of achievement and the intellectual stimulus of discovering a new world, yet another new world with all of the people, and as you learn another language, then the people of that language come alive, the history comes alive.

Don’t Speak in Your Target Language

Don’t Speak in Your Target Language

I think very often in the standard classroom there’s a tremendous emphasis placed on producing the language, speaking the language, which is fine because that’s what people want to do. But what I think is more important is what will I be able to do with the language in a year from now? And from that perspective, I’m not tremendously motivated to speak.

I speak 20 languages

I've been learning languages for over 50 years and I've tried all kinds of approaches.

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