Effective Learning Strategies From “Making it Stick”
In the quest to master new skills or languages, one challenge stands out: making information stick. Drawing inspiration from Peter C. Brown’s Make It Stick, we’ll take a look at some effective…
In the quest to master new skills or languages, one challenge stands out: making information stick. Drawing inspiration from Peter C. Brown’s Make It Stick, we’ll take a look at some effective…
Learning a new language is one of the most rewarding journeys you can embark on. Languages open doors to new cultures, foster meaningful connections, and provide a sense of personal achievement. Having…
I’m often asked, how long does it take to learn a language, which language is the easiest to learn, are some languages easier than others and so forth, so here’s my take…
Learning Words – How Many Do We Need To Know? was uploaded onto Steve’s YouTube channel on October 25, 2014 Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here again. Today I want to talk about…
Patterns and Language Learning has been transcribed from Steve’s YouTube channel. The original video was published on May 29th, 2013 Listen to the audio and don’t forget to check out…
Can we even learn the basics first? I find that I cannot do it. I just forge ahead and learn words and get used to the language? I think we need to cover a lot of ground, some new, some old. We need to explore new things, pushing the boundaries, w…
You Don’t Need to Study Abroad to Learn a Language has been transcribed from Steve’s YouTube Channel. This video originally aired on November 27th, 2013 Hi there, Steve Kaufmann. Here…