It is my 65th birthday in October and my wife and I will be driving around Europe in the fall.


It looks like our route will look something like this, but very much subject to change. Any LingQers or non-LingQer language keeners on our route?


Sept 25-26 Le Havre  (wood business related activity in France )
Sept 29 Stuttgart
Sept 30 – Oct 3 Eichstaett near Munich CLIL language conference (
Oct 3-5 driving from Eichstaett to Braga, Portugal
Oct 5-16 various locations in Northern and Central Portugal; language seminars in association with the University of Minho
Oct 17-26 drive from Portugal via Marbella, Barecelona, to Marseille
Oct 26-30 Sardinia and Sicily
Oct 30- Nov 15 Southern Italy
Nov 15- Dec 1 Central and Northern Italy on to Munich.