We are adding one language a month at LingQ. The winner last month was Turkish. I am definitely going to get to that language. Now we just need some Turkish content. I hope our members come through.

You can vote for the next language. Just have a look under Questions at our Facebook page. Right now it looks like a close race between Farsi, Finnish, Cantonese, Modern Greek and Hebrew. There are also a few dark horses. Meanwhile enjoy Turkish.

Learn Turkish on LingQ!

Did you know that Turkish is spoken by an estimated 80 million people worldwide? It is an agglutinative language and has a word order similar to Korean and Japanese, but it also has noun cases like Russian and Czech.

Turkish underwent some significant changes in the early 1900s, including a change in the writing system, moving from an Arabic-based script to a Latin-based script.

Get started on Turkish today!