I just arrived in Toronto, courtesy of Global Television. I had to give up my Easter Weekend, and I had to miss two games in an old-timers’ hockey tournament. I am going to take part in a televions program about people who speak many languages. it will air in May apparently.I fly back tomorrow afternoon, and will play the final game of our hockey tournament if we are in the final. (We lost the first game).

The hotel I am staying here in Toronto, the Delta Chelsea, is sort of like an old coquette with a facelift. The rooms are musty. We just had a fire alarm. The alarm went off for about three minutes before any information was provided on the public address system. People on the three floors above me were told to vacate the hotel by the stairs. Five minutes later everything was all right. They got to go back by the elevators.

I look out the window and see concrete towers and large neon signs. At home I look at the ocean, mountains, and forests.

I checked the door to see where the fire escape is, while te fire alarm was on. I noticed the that official rate for the room is $580 per night. Crazy. I usually pay around $100-150 per night in most places in the world, including Beijing, Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland on recent trips. In Shanghai I did not arrange my hotel, the Alberta government did, (I was with a delegation) and that cost me $300 a night. Crazy. I wonder what Global Television is paying.

Anyway, I will try to stay on Vancouver time, so I will read my Russian history book till about one and then turn out the lights.