The Linguist Challenge

This Challenge is only available for residents of B.C and is carried out in conjunction with the period of the radio program. it is especially conceived to encourage more recent immigrants to look at new ways to continue improving their English. There will be other promotions. Please stay posted.



You will improve your English language skills with good study habits. The Linguist website ( will help you develop learning habits that can change your life, regardless of your age or English level. Now is the time to get started.



As part of my 13 week program at 96.1 FM radio, I am offering The Linguist Challenge to all listeners. We have created a section of our Linguist website that is free of charge. This is called The Linguist Club. (语言家俱乐部). Please register there to become a free member of The Linguist Club and start improving your English, the way I learned nine languages.



Please read all instructions carefully. Download the manual (用户指南) and read it. There is a lot of explanation in English and Chinese.



Every week the three most active learners in The Linguist Club will receive a free copy of my book, The Linguist, A Personal Guide to Language Learning, a headset microphone and the chance to take part in online discussions at The Linguist with our tutors and learners from around the world. Winners will also be able to submit a short sample of their writing for correction. Winners will be announced each week during my program.



In addition, during the first weeks of The Linguist Challenge, I will select five very active Linguist Club members and give them 3-months free Premium Membership in The Linguist system. This package is our most intense study level, with tutoring by me as well as other tutors.



To be eligible, candidates must agree to spend 90 minutes a day working on improving their English using The Linguist method. They must agree to speak on my radio show, either in person or via telephone, twice during the 3-month period, to tell the audience about their experience with The Linguist. Please email me if you are interested in this opportunity.



That is The Linguist Challenge!









作为调频96.1 FM电台第13周节目的一部分,我向所有听众献上“语言家”终极挑战。我们在“语言家”网站开辟了一个新栏目,完全免费,名叫“The Linguist Club (“语言家”俱乐部)。请在此注册,成为“语言家”俱乐部的免费会员,开始提高您的英语水平,就像我学会9种语言那样。














