Here is a recent pronunciation exercise I published in our newsletter. Click this link  to access the audio version of the text.

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Read this daily. Say these phrases to yourself many times a day.


I like to speak English. It is pleasant to make the sounds of English. I know that I need to practice. I know that I need to listen often. I know that I need to repeat the words and phrases to myself. I do not mind doing it. I find it fun.


Yes. It is fun to imitate the pronunciation of a native speaker. I know that I can learn to pronounce better. It is not hard. I enjoy slowly repeating the sounds that I hear. I have to keep doing it every day.


The sounds of English are soft. I listen to these sounds and then I repeat them to myself. I imagine myself talking like a native speaker. When I speak out loud in English, I pretend I am a native speaker. Sometimes I read out loud. Sometimes I repeat what I hear on The Linguist. I talk to myself many times a day in English. I repeat sentences from this short passage every day. .


Once a week I record myself. I can do this at the PRONOUNCE page of The Linguist. I also listen to a paragraph from The Linguist content. Then I read the paragraph out loud. Then I record myself to compare with the native speaker.


I will learn to pronounce better. It is up to me. I know I can succeed. I know I do not need to be perfect. I know that I can have a pleasant accent. I know that I can learn to pronounce so that everyone can easily understand me. I am certain that I can do it. I will talk to myself, early every morning, during the day and late every night. I will practice often. In this way I will reach my goal.