For people who love language, or would but were discouraged.

  • Believe in yourself and have the right attitude
  • Put in an hour a day
  • Use a system that works... like LingQ
Try LingQ Free - Steve Kaufmann

I will be in Europe

I have to travel to Europe next week. I will be in Sweden from April 12 to 20 and then in Hamburg and possibly Vienna the following week. When I know more details I will advise. It would be nice to meet up with LingQers.

New languages at LingQ

We are going to add languages to LingQ, but we will do so at a leisurely pace. Vote on which language we should add next at LingQ. The language with the most votes on June 1 will be added. Tell your friends to vote too! This vote is not limited to…

Why we learn languages.

We learn languages because it is enjoyable. If it is not enjoyable, it is difficult to learn. We do not learn well if it is only for the utilitarian reasons so often given.

Transcripts for recent podcasts.

For those using these podcasts to work on their English, the transcripts for two recent podcasts, “Speak to Fluency” and “The Religious Shall Inherit the Earth” are now in the LingQ English Library. This makes 6 items in the Collection “Steve’s La…

I speak 20 languages

I've been learning languages for over 50 years and I've tried all kinds of approaches.

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Steve Kaufmann about LingQ

I have never learned as quickly or as enjoyably as I do now on LingQ.

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