
We are conditioned by schools to think that our learning has to be directed by a teacher in the classroom. However, learning is inevitably a process of self improvement and personal growth. What matters most is what we as learners  do, whether in the classroom, or outside the classroom. A teacher cannot force learning on a student.  The teacher, or the classroom, are not the only resources available to us. The Internet is an amazing resource, as I have said many times. We can find language content, grammar references, and even articles about learning.

While surfing the web for articles on self-learning, I came across something I wrote three years ago, Six Steps to Effective Self Learning . My views have not changed.

On another occasion, while googling in order to understand the difference between the words “imparare”  and “apprendere” in Italian, I came across this interesting article called “Imparare a imparare” (Learning to learn).  The writer, Luciano Mariani, discusses the importance of setting one’s own goals and organizing one’s own learning activities, in order to become a learner for life.

Mariani’s blog, , in English and Italian, is devoted to issues related to motivation and learning, with specific reference to language learning.


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